Question: After distributing the sweets equally among 25 children, 8 sweets remain. Had the number of children been 28, 22 sweets would have been left after equal distribution. What was the total number of sweets ? [A]. 328 [B]. 348…

Question: A number of friends decided to go on a picnic and planned to spend Rs. 96 on eatables. Four of them, however, did not turn up. As a consequence, the remaining ones had to contribute Rs. 4 each extra.…

Question: On Children’s Day, sweets were to be equally distributed among 175 children in a school. Actually on the Children’s Day, 35 children were absent and therefore each child got 4 sweets extra. Total how many sweets were available for…

Question: In three coloured boxes – Red, Green and Blue, 108 balls are placed. There are twice as many balls in the green and red boxes combined as there are in the blue box and twice as many in the…