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A number was divided successively in order by 4, 5 and 6. The remainders were respectively 2, 3 and 4. The number is:

A number was divided successively in order by 4, 5 and 6. The remainders were respectively 2, 3 and 4. The number is:









Answer: Option A


4 | x z = 6 x 1 + 4 = 10
5 | y -2 y = 5 x z + 3 = 5 x 10 + 3 = 53
6 | z – 3 x = 4 x y + 2 = 4 x 53 + 2 = 214
| 1 – 4

Hence, required number = 214.

A number was divided successively in order by 4, 5 and 6. The remainders were respectively 2, 3 and 4. The number is: Read More »

Aptitude, Numbers

A number when divided successively by 4 and 5 leaves remainders 1 and 4 respectively. When it is successively divided by 5 and 4, then the respective remainders will be

A number when divided successively by 4 and 5 leaves remainders 1 and 4 respectively. When it is successively divided by 5 and 4, then the respective remainders will be


1, 2


2, 3


3, 2


4, 1

Answer: Option B


4 | x y = (5 x 1 + 4) = 9
5 | y -1 x = (4 x y + 1) = (4 x 9 + 1) = 37
| 1 -4

Now, 37 when divided successively by 5 and 4, we get

5 | 37
4 | 7 – 2
| 1 – 3

Respective remainders are 2 and 3.

A number when divided successively by 4 and 5 leaves remainders 1 and 4 respectively. When it is successively divided by 5 and 4, then the respective remainders will be Read More »

Aptitude, Numbers

A number when divide by 6 leaves a remainder 3. When the square of the number is divided by 6, the remainder is:

Question: A number when divide by 6 leaves a remainder 3. When the square of the number is divided by 6, the remainder is:







Answer: Option D


Let x = 6q + 3.

Then, x2 = (6q + 3)2

   = 36q2 + 36q + 9

   = 6(6q2 + 6q + 1) + 3

Thus, when x2 is divided by 6, then remainder = 3.

A number when divide by 6 leaves a remainder 3. When the square of the number is divided by 6, the remainder is: Read More »

Aptitude, Numbers

How many of the following numbers are divisible by 132 ? 264, 396, 462, 792, 968, 2178, 5184, 6336

Question: How many of the following numbers are divisible by 132 ?
264, 396, 462, 792, 968, 2178, 5184, 6336









Answer: Option A


132 = 4 x 3 x 11

So, if the number divisible by all the three number 4, 3 and 11, then the number is divisible by 132 also.

264 11,3,4 (/)

396 11,3,4 (/)

462 11,3 (X)

792 11,3,4 (/)

968 11,4 (X)

2178 11,3 (X)

5184 3,4 (X)

6336 11,3,4 (/)

Therefore the following numbers are divisible by 132 : 264, 396, 792 and 6336.

Required number of number = 4.

How many of the following numbers are divisible by 132 ? 264, 396, 462, 792, 968, 2178, 5184, 6336 Read More »

Aptitude, Numbers

How many of the following numbers are divisible by 3 but not by 9 ? 2133, 2343, 3474, 4131, 5286, 5340, 6336, 7347, 8115, 9276

Question: How many of the following numbers are divisible by 3 but not by 9 ?
2133, 2343, 3474, 4131, 5286, 5340, 6336, 7347, 8115, 9276








None of these

Answer: Option B


Marking (/) those which are are divisible by 3 by not by 9 and the others by (X), by taking the sum of digits, we get:s

2133 9 (X)

2343 12 (/)

3474 18 (X)

4131 9 (X)

5286 21 (/)

5340 12 (/)

6336 18 (X)

7347 21 (/)

8115 15 (/)

9276 24 (/)

Required number of numbers = 6.

How many of the following numbers are divisible by 3 but not by 9 ? 2133, 2343, 3474, 4131, 5286, 5340, 6336, 7347, 8115, 9276 Read More »

Aptitude, Numbers

If x and y are positive integers such that (3x + 7y) is a multiple of 11, then which of the following will be divisible by 11 ?

If x and y are positive integers such that (3x + 7y) is a multiple of 11, then which of the following will be divisible by 11 ?


4x + 6y


x + y + 4


9x + 4y


4x – 9y

Answer: Option D


By hit and trial, we put x = 5 and y = 1 so that (3x + 7y) = (3 x 5 + 7 x 1) = 22, which is divisible by 11.

(4x + 6y) = ( 4 x 5 + 6 x 1) = 26, which is not divisible by 11;

(x + y + 4 ) = (5 + 1 + 4) = 10, which is not divisible by 11;

(9x + 4y) = (9 x 5 + 4 x 1) = 49, which is not divisible by 11;

(4x – 9y) = (4 x 5 – 9 x 1) = 11, which is divisible by 11.

If x and y are positive integers such that (3x + 7y) is a multiple of 11, then which of the following will be divisible by 11 ? Read More »

Aptitude, Numbers

A 3-digit number 4a3 is added to another 3-digit number 984 to give a 4-digit number 13b7, which is divisible by 11. Then, (a + b) = ?

Question: A 3-digit number 4a3 is added to another 3-digit number 984 to give a 4-digit number 13b7, which is divisible by 11. Then, (a + b) = ?









Answer: Option A


4 a 3 |
9 8 4 } ==> a + 8 = b ==> b – a = 8
13 b 7 |

Also, 13 b7 is divisible by 11      (7 + 3) – (b + 1) = (9 – b)

  (9 – b) = 0

  b = 9

(b = 9 and a = 1)     (a + b) = 10.

A 3-digit number 4a3 is added to another 3-digit number 984 to give a 4-digit number 13b7, which is divisible by 11. Then, (a + b) = ? Read More »

Aptitude, Numbers