Question: AZBY : CXDW :: EVFU : ? [A]. GTHS [B]. GHTS [C]. GSTH [D]. TGSH Answer: Option A Explanation:

Question: BCFG : HILM :: NORQ : ? [A]. TXWU [B]. TXUW [C]. TUXW [D]. TVWX Answer: Option C Explanation:

Question: ACFJ : ZXUQ :: EGIN : ? [A]. VUSQ [B]. UTRP [C]. VRPM [D]. VTRM Answer: Option D Explanation:

Question: Conference : Chairman :: Newspaper : ? [A]. Reporter [B]. Distributor [C]. Printer [D]. Editor Answer: Option D Explanation: As Chairman is the highest authority in a conference similarly Editor is in Newspaper.

Question: Cassock : Priest :: ? : Graduate [A]. Cap [B]. Tie [C]. Coat [D]. Gown Answer: Option D Explanation: A Priest wears cassock while Graduate wears gown.

Question: Carbon : Diamond :: Corundum : ? [A]. Garnet [B]. Ruby [C]. Pukhraj [D]. Pearl Answer: Option B Explanation: As Diamond is made of Carbon similarly Ruby is made of Corundum.

Question: Flow : River :: Stagnant : ? [A]. Rain [B]. Stream [C]. Pool [D]. Canal Answer: Option C Explanation: As Water of a River flows similarly water of Pool is Stagnant.

Question: Ornithologist : Bird :: Archaeologist : ? [A]. Islands [B]. Mediators [C]. Archaeology [D]. Aquatic Answer: Option C Explanation: As Ornithologist is a specialist of Birds similarly Archaeologist is a specialist of Archaeology.

Question: Paw : Cat :: Hoof : ? [A]. Lamb [B]. Elephant [C]. Lion [D]. Horse Answer: Option D Explanation: As cat has Paw similarly Horse has Hoof.