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Agriculture Mcqs

Effects of soil pollution may also include:___________?

Effects of soil pollution may also include:___________?

A. Pollution runs-off into rivers & kills the fish, plant & other aquatic life
B. Crops & fodder grown on polluted soil may pass the pollutants on to the consumers
C. Soil structure is damaged or polluted soil may no longer grow crops & fodder
D. All of the above

Effects of soil pollution may also include:___________? Read More »

Agriculture Mcqs, Soil Science

Chemicals, used for controlling the disease of crops, fruits & vegetables is___________ & chemical prepared for controlling insect-pests ——————-:

Chemicals, used for controlling the disease of crops, fruits & vegetables is___________ & chemical prepared for controlling insect-pests ——————-:

A. Insecticides—Herbicides
B. Fungicides—Insecticides
C. Weedicides—insecticides
D. None of the above

Chemicals, used for controlling the disease of crops, fruits & vegetables is___________ & chemical prepared for controlling insect-pests ——————-: Read More »

Agriculture Mcqs, Soil Science

Soils are also contaminated by a number of inorganic compounds which are also high toxic to human & other animals & are extremely poisonous may include:

Soils are also contaminated by a number of inorganic compounds which are also high toxic to human & other animals & are extremely poisonous may include:

A. Arsenic & Cadmium
B. Mercury & chromium
C. Calcium & Magnesium
D. Both A & B

Soils are also contaminated by a number of inorganic compounds which are also high toxic to human & other animals & are extremely poisonous may include: Read More »

Agriculture Mcqs, Soil Science

Nitrogen & sulphur dioxide liberate from motor vehicles & industries. Nitrogen & Sulphur gases dissolve in the water vapour of atmosphere & form nitric & sulphuric acid. This rain water falls on soil as__________ & contaminates soil also:

Nitrogen & sulphur dioxide liberate from motor vehicles & industries. Nitrogen & Sulphur gases dissolve in the water vapour of atmosphere & form nitric & sulphuric acid. This rain water falls on soil as__________ & contaminates soil also:

A. Acid rain
B. Neutral rain
C. Both A & B
D. None of the above

Nitrogen & sulphur dioxide liberate from motor vehicles & industries. Nitrogen & Sulphur gases dissolve in the water vapour of atmosphere & form nitric & sulphuric acid. This rain water falls on soil as__________ & contaminates soil also: Read More »

Agriculture Mcqs, Soil Science