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Agriculture Mcqs

Being a soil scientist, do you know which is the popular book of soil science of Nyle.C.brady, 14th edition available in markets:

Being a soil scientist, do you know which is the popular book of soil science of Nyle.C.brady, 14th edition available in markets:

A. Fundamentals of soil
B. Essenttials of soil sciences
C. The nature and properties of soil
D. The mechanics of soil

Being a soil scientist, do you know which is the popular book of soil science of Nyle.C.brady, 14th edition available in markets: Read More »

Agriculture Mcqs, Soil Science

Previously Essential nutrients required for the growth of plants were sixteen. In recent time the essential nutrients required for the growth of plants are:_________?

Previously Essential nutrients required for the growth of plants were sixteen. In recent time the essential nutrients required for the growth of plants are:_________?

A. 16
B. 17
C. 18
D. None of the above

Previously Essential nutrients required for the growth of plants were sixteen. In recent time the essential nutrients required for the growth of plants are:_________? Read More »

Agriculture Mcqs, Soil Science

An intrazonal group of dark calcareous soils high in clay and having mainly montmorillonitic type clay are called as:________?

An intrazonal group of dark calcareous soils high in clay and having mainly montmorillonitic type clay are called as:________?

A. Regur
B. Ragour
C. Montmorillosol
D. Regosol

An intrazonal group of dark calcareous soils high in clay and having mainly montmorillonitic type clay are called as:________? Read More »

Agriculture Mcqs, Soil Science