In order to prevent knocking in spark ignition engines, the charge away from the spark plug should have
Answer: Option D
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Answer: Option D
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Answer: Option B
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Answer: Option A
The return value of the Math.abs() method is always the same as the type of the parameter passed into that method.
In the case of A, an integer is passed in and so the result is also an integer which is fine for assignment to “int a”.
The values used in B, C & D respectively are a double, a float and a long. The compiler will complain about a possible loss of precision if we try to assign the results to an “int”.
Which of the following would compile without error? Read More »
Java Programming, Java.lang Class[B].
Answer: Option A
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Answer: Option A
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The air-fuel ratio of the petrol engine is controlled by Read More »
Ic Engines And Nuclear Power Plants, Mechanical Engineering[B].
Answer: Option A
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Answer: Option C
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A diesel engine is __________ as compared to petrol engine, both running at rated load. Read More »
Ic Engines And Nuclear Power Plants, Mechanical Engineering[B].
Answer: Option D
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A carburettor is used to supply Read More »
Ic Engines And Nuclear Power Plants, Mechanical Engineering[B].
Answer: Option A
No answer description available for this question.
Answer: Option D
No answer description available for this question.
A supercharged engine as compared to an ordinary engine Read More »
Ic Engines And Nuclear Power Plants, Mechanical Engineering