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Author name: admin

The basic requirement of a good combustion chamber is

Question: The basic requirement of a good combustion chamber is

minimum turbulence


low compression ratio


high thermal efficiency and power output


low volumetric efficiency

Answer: Option C


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The basic requirement of a good combustion chamber is Read More »

Ic Engines And Nuclear Power Plants, Mechanical Engineering

In open combustion chamber in diesel engines, the shape and layout of the piston crown, the inlet port and the valve produce the turbulent effect of fuel mixture.

Question: In open combustion chamber in diesel engines, the shape and layout of the piston crown, the inlet port and the valve produce the turbulent effect of fuel mixture.




Answer: Option A


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In open combustion chamber in diesel engines, the shape and layout of the piston crown, the inlet port and the valve produce the turbulent effect of fuel mixture. Read More »

Ic Engines And Nuclear Power Plants, Mechanical Engineering

In order to eliminate knocking in compression ignition engines, there should be

Question: In order to eliminate knocking in compression ignition engines, there should be

short delay period


late auto-ignition


low compression ratio


high self ignition temperature of fuel

Answer: Option A


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In order to eliminate knocking in compression ignition engines, there should be Read More »

Ic Engines And Nuclear Power Plants, Mechanical Engineering

A long delay period in compression ignition engines gives a more rapid rise in pressure which causes knocking.

Question: A long delay period in compression ignition engines gives a more rapid rise in pressure which causes knocking.




Answer: Option A


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A long delay period in compression ignition engines gives a more rapid rise in pressure which causes knocking. Read More »

Ic Engines And Nuclear Power Plants, Mechanical Engineering

A fuel of cetane number 40 has the same ignition quality as a mixture of

Question: A fuel of cetane number 40 has the same ignition quality as a mixture of

40% cetane and 60% alpha methyl napthalene


40% alpha methyl napthalene and 60% cetane


40% petrol and 60% diesel


40% diesel and 60% petrol

Answer: Option A


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A fuel of cetane number 40 has the same ignition quality as a mixture of Read More »

Ic Engines And Nuclear Power Plants, Mechanical Engineering

A mixture containing 65% of iso-octane and 35% of normal heptane will have

Question: A mixture containing 65% of iso-octane and 35% of normal heptane will have

cetane number 65


octane number 65


qetane number 35


octane number 35

Answer: Option B


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A mixture containing 65% of iso-octane and 35% of normal heptane will have Read More »

Ic Engines And Nuclear Power Plants, Mechanical Engineering

In petrol engines, advancing of the spark timing will __________ the knocking tendency.

Question: In petrol engines, advancing of the spark timing will __________ the knocking tendency.

not effect





Answer: Option C


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In petrol engines, advancing of the spark timing will __________ the knocking tendency. Read More »

Ic Engines And Nuclear Power Plants, Mechanical Engineering

By higher octane number of spark ignition fuel, it is meant that the fuel has

Question: By higher octane number of spark ignition fuel, it is meant that the fuel has

higher heating value


higher flash point


lower volatility


longer ignition delay

Answer: Option D


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By higher octane number of spark ignition fuel, it is meant that the fuel has Read More »

Ic Engines And Nuclear Power Plants, Mechanical Engineering