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An R.C.C. beam of 25 cm width and 50 cm effective depth has a clear span of 6 metres and carries a U.D.L. of 3000 kg/m inclusive of its self weight. If the lever arm constant for the section is 0.865, the maximum intensity of shear stress, is


An R.C.C. beam of 25 cm width and 50 cm effective depth has a clear span of 6 metres and carries a U.D.L. of 3000 kg/m inclusive of its self weight. If the lever arm constant for the section is 0.865, the maximum intensity of shear stress, is


8.3 kg/cm2


7.6 kg/cm2


21.5 kg/cm2


11.4 kg/cm2

Answer» a. 8.3 kg/cm2

Note: The above multiple-choice question is for all general and Competitive Exams in India