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After spending 40 % in machinery, 25 % in the building, 15 % in raw material and 5 % on furniture, Haris had a balance of Rs. 1305. The money with him was:________?

After spending 40 % in machinery, 25 % in the building, 15 % in raw material and 5 % on furniture, Haris had a balance of Rs. 1305. The money with him was:________?

A. Rs. 6500
B. Rs. 7225
C. Rs. 8700
D. Rs. 1390
x – [40 % of x + 25 % of x + 15 % of x + 5 % of x] = 1305
or x – 85 % of x = 1305
or 15 % of x = 1305 x 130500/15 × 8700
= Rs. 8700