Mr. Debtor owes Mr. Creditor P100, 000. On the due date, Mr. Debtor delivers a cashier’s check for the full amount. Mr. Creditor refuses to accept the check.


Mr. Debtor owes Mr. Creditor P100, 000. On the due date, Mr. Debtor delivers a cashier’s check for the full amount. Mr. Creditor refuses to accept the check.


Debtor may make a consignation by depositing the amount due with any bank and in the name of Mr. Creditor.


Mr. Debtor may make a consignation by depositing the amount due at the disposal of judicial authorities before whom the tender of payment shall be proved in a proper case.


Mr. Debtor has no legal basis for making a consignation.


The creditor may be considered in mora accipiendi.

Answer» c. Mr. Debtor has no legal basis for making a consignation.

Note: The above multiple-choice question is for all general and Competitive Exams in India