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Suppose a competitive firm produces 100 units of X for a price of Rs.10 a unit. The firmis employing labour and capital such that the marginal physical product of labour and capital is 20 and 5 and the prices paid to labour and capital are Rs. 60 and Rs. 40 respectively. How would you characterize the firm


Suppose a competitive firm produces 100 units of X for a price of Rs.10 a unit. The firmis employing labour and capital such that the marginal physical product of labour and capital is 20 and 5 and the prices paid to labour and capital are Rs. 60 and Rs. 40 respectively. How would you characterize the firm


the firm is in long-run equilibrium


the firm is earning excess profits


the firm should expand production


the firm should contract production

Answer» c. the firm should expand production

Note: The above multiple-choice question is for all general and Competitive Exams in India