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Anchal purchased a motor car from Kamal who had no title to it. Anchal used the motor car for several months. True owner spotted the motor car and demanded it from Anchal. In such case


Anchal purchased a motor car from Kamal who had no title to it. Anchal used the motor car for several months. True owner spotted the motor car and demanded it from Anchal. In such case


Anchal is bound to hand-over the motor car to true owner.


Anchal is not bound to return the motor car to true owner as she has paid in full settlement to Kamal.


Anchal shall advise true owner to approach Kamal.


True owner has no right to claim either from Anchal or from Kamal.

Answer» a. Anchal is bound to hand-over the motor car to true owner.

Note: The above multiple-choice question is for all general and Competitive Exams in India