Cpp Programming Quiz 146 – What will be the output of the following program?

Question: What will be the output of the following program?

class BaseCounter
long int count;

void CountIt(int x, int y = 10, int z = 20)
count = 0;
cout<< x << " " << y << " " << z << endl; } BaseCounter() { count = 0; } BaseCounter(int x) { count = x ; } }; class DerivedCounter: public BaseCounter { public: DerivedCounter() { } DerivedCounter(int x): BaseCounter(x) { } }; int main() { DerivedCounter objDC(30); objDC.CountIt(40, 50); return 0; }

[A].30 10 20
[B].Garbage 10 20
[C].40 50 20
[D].20 40 50

Answer: Option C