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WAPDA signed ‘Dasu Hydropower project’ contract worth Rs __________ Billion on November 25, 2019?

WAPDA signed ‘Dasu Hydropower project’ contract worth Rs __________ Billion on November 25, 2019?

A. Rs 50.5 Billion
B. Rs 52.5 Billion
C. Rs 50.5 Million
D. Rs 52.5 Million

Water and Power Development Authority (Wapda) on November 25, 2019 signed a contract worth Rs52.5 billion as a joint venture of GE Hydro China and Power China Zhongnan Engineering Corporation for electro-mechanical works of Dasu Hydropower Project (stage-I).
The electrical & mechanical (E&M) contract includes design, supply and installation of six francis turbines, generators, main transformers, generator and station service switchgear along with related equipment. This will lead to final completion of major works of the project.