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Which of the following is true about the following program#include class Test{public:int i;void get();};void Test::get(){std::cout i;}Test t; // Global object int main(){Test t; // local object t.get();std::cout


Which of the following is true about the following program
#include <iostream> class Test
int i;
void get();
void Test::get()
std::cout <<“Enter the value of i: “; std::cin >>i;
Test t; // Global object int main()
Test t; // local object t.get();
std::cout <<“value of i in local t: “<<t.i<<‘\n’;
std::cout <<“value of i in global t: “<<::t.i<<‘\n’; return 0;


compiler error: cannot have two objects with same class name


compiler error in line “::t.get();”


compiles and runs fine

Answer» c. compiles and runs fine

Note: The above multiple-choice question is for all general and Competitive Exams in India